Diaspora came to invest, it took you four years to place a signature on a piece of paper authorizing them to go ahead. Now, world bank has refused to give you loan because of aggravated human rights abuses. The international community has refused to come to your aid financially because they have the impression the richest part if your country (in terms of natural resources) is going so you will be unable to pay them back. Even your friend, China, is turning its back on you.
Now you have spent close to 2 billion FRS CFA to call back that same diaspora you rejected to come and invest. A failed effort because most of the diaspora, especially the anglophones boycotted it. Even your president did not attend because of shame. Come to think of it. Ndedi Eyango came to contribute to development, you sent him away saying he was not a Cameroonian. What a shame. Eto'o, Njitap and many others came, you embezzled hundreds of their millions because they supposedly have dual nationalities.
Now all of a sudden you need binationals. The anglos have resisted you and exposed your most vulnerable parts. They have refused to be administered by you, they have refused to pay taxes to your government. To generate income, you have suddenly launched all "concours". Police, gendarmes, Army,, ENS, Customs, even public service concours. You claim you will recruit thousands of your citizens but we know you will recruit only a few hundreds as it is always the case with you. All this because you need money.
What a shame. You have failed in all counts. You may fool some people some time but you can't fool all the people all the time. God is saying something. He who has ears, let him hear!
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